Sometimes you need to send a file to your own email account. E.g. for the file to be used on another computer, Operating System of even Smartphone. Of course you can start your email program, create a new email to yourself, attach the file and send it. Easier would it be if you just can drag-and-drop the file on an application shortcut or use the Explorer context menu for that.
This post describes a script that using the Collaboration Data Object (CDO) and Gmail to send an attachment to your own email address. I suggest you create a new "" account for this purpose.
First the script. Edit the lines with your Gmail name, password and your own email address:
Option Explicit
dim arg,fso, i, s, objEmail, Subject
set arg=WScript.Arguments
set fso=CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
const GoogleAccount = "{here your Gmail email name}"
const GooglePassword = "{here your Gmail email password}"
const eMailTo = "{here you own email address"
'--- Prepare email object variables...
Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = GoogleAccount
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = GooglePassword
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = ""
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 1
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 1
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 2
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 465
'--- Add attachement(s)...
for i=0 to arg.count-1
objEmail.AddAttachment arg.item(i)
s=s & "- " & fso.GetFileName(arg.item(i)) & vbCrLf
'--- Alternative subject field?
Subject=InputBox("Enter subject","Alternative Subject","Attachement received " & s)
if s="" then wscript.quit
'--- Populate other email fields...
objEmail.From = GoogleAccount
objEmail.To = eMailTo
objEmail.Subject = Subject
objEmail.TextBody = "Attached you find the next attachements: " & s
'---- Send the email...
if Err=0 then
MsgBox "Successful sent attachment(s): " & s
MsgBox "Something went wrong sending attachment(s): " & s
end if
You can use the script in different ways:
- From the command line (nah...)
- Drag-and-Drop a file to the shortcut of the script (nice)
- With the Explorer context menu (best!)
Command line (assuming the script's name is SendAttachment-google.vbs and is in the c:\scripts folder):
C:\> wscript c:\scripts\SendAttachment-google.vbs {path to whatever file you want to send}
Application shortcut:
Create a shortcut on the desktop to the SendAttachment-google.vbs script. Maybe change the icon picture for better reading. Now just drag-and-drop the file you want to email to the icon.
Explorer context menu:
Create a registry file like this:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Send to email]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Send to email\command]
@="wscript c:\\scripts\\SendAttachement-google.vbs \"%1\""
Apply this file to the registry. Now you can right-click the file you want to email and select "Send to email":
A success/failure message is shown when done:
- There is almost no error checking in the script. Most common errors are:
- Wrong/typo in email address or password;
- Sending a not-allowed file type through Gmail;
- Wrong path of the script vs. configured path in shortcut or registry.
- The Gmail password is in clear text. To mitigate that you can encrypt the script to a VBE file with this method. Remember to change the references from VBS to VBE.
- Of course you can configure your own SMTP server. When using port 25 change also objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") to 0.
- You do not need some "Cloud Service" and client that is a available for a shorter or longer period or not available at all for your purpose.
- You can send a maximum of 2000 emails per day, so spammers, go home!
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