

Luggage policies at Heathrow, Terminal 4

It seems that the "three bag luggage policy" (read more here) is still active in Airstrip One:

I think I found a method to prevent to be 'elected' for a rescan. Since this is a three bag policy, an empty bag is most likely not part of a rescan since there is no luggage in it at all! So empty your bag(s) completely. Even with a small laptop bag this could take up to 4 or 5 bins to store all your stuff. At the end you have to repack but that takes much less time then a rescan. Especially with travelers with big suitcases or traveling with little children, it can 20-30 minutes until your stuff is rescanned again.Using this method also will limit the capacity of the scanning stations which is good for the UK Border Patrol employee jobs! A win-win situation!

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