It seems that this bike was build with eastern European quality standards and, let's say, less motivated employees. A short list:
- Some screws (Torx) could be removed by hand. No tools necessary.
- Some other Torx screws were destroyed, possibly putting to much force or slipping tool during manufacturing.
- It took extreme force to remove the left pannier from the frame.
- The mudguard on the back is not aligned with the center of the bike and it is damaged due to the friction to the sidepanel.
- The panniers are mounted asymmetric, one is only one millimeter away from the buddy handle.
- The buddyseat frame is already rusty.
- The right mirror (the glass) just fell off, luckily for me in my own garage and it dropped on a soft surface.
- The radio lid, left of the tank, blew off. That one I had to replace.
- There is some strange noise (a sharp bang) coming out of the rear drive shaft so now and then.
- The front lights were adjusted way too high, blinding all upcoming traffic.
- The cruisecontrol sometimes decides to select its own speed which means here full speed.
The BMW dealer tries to make the best out of it but I'm not sure that this BMW R1200RT and me will become friends.