My current attachment emailscript uses the MailMessage method, but this method is obsolete (see: So I followed the recommendation, and used the MailKit Powershell Module to send emails.
- Use of MailKit to send emails (requires installation of the MailKit Powershell Module).
- Added an "Install" procedure. Automate user settings.
- Added a "setPassword" procedure. Secure password entry and password storage in USERPROFILE (no plain text password anywhere).
Works with:
- Windows Explorer Context menu (right click file and send email)
- Command line (file parameter must have absolute/complete file path)
- Drag and drop (create a Deaktop shortcut to the psEmailAttachment.ps1 script and drag a file to the shortcut be emailed)
Installation procedure:
- Install the MailKit Module (e.g.: PS C:\> Install-Module -force -Name "Send-MailKitMessage" -Scope CurrentUser)
- Store the psEmailAttachment.ps1 script in some folder
- Update the email server properties and your email address in the psEmailAttachment.ps1 script
- Run:
- Powershell -file psEmailAttachment.ps1 -install #--- Create the Explorer context menu entry
- Powershell -file psEmailAttachment.ps1 -setPassword #--- Setting the password of the email sender account.
Sending an email from Windows Explorer-> Right click filename:
using module Send-MailKitMessage
To install the MailKit:
PS C:\> Install-Module -force -Name "Send-MailKitMessage" -Scope CurrentUser #--- Install Module only for this user. User privileges only.
PS C:\> Install-Module -force -Name "Send-MailKitMessage" -Scope AllUsers #--- Install Module for all users. Administrative privileges needed.
Emailing examples shamelessly stolen from:
#--- User variables...
$SMTPServer = "{FQDN or IP address from email server}"
$Port = 587 #---> STARTTLS or 465 SSL/TLS...
$emailSenderAccount = "emailAttachment@ddress.ext"
$To = "yourEmail@ddress.ext"
#=== MAIN =====================================================================================================
#--- Static variables...
$TextBody = "Attachment sent with $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) script."
$scriptPath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
#--- Create password filename in AppData...
$scriptName = (Get-Item $scriptPath).Basename
$appDataFolder = "$ENV:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\$scriptName"
new-item -type directory -path $appDataFolder -force | out-null
$smtpPasswordFile = "$appDataFolder\$emailSenderAccount-password.dat"
if ($setPassword) {
write-host "*** Setting encrypted password..."
#--- Read and store encrypted password in $smtpPasswordFile...
$readPassword = Read-Host -assecurestring "Enter sender email account's ($($emailSenderAccount)) password now"
$password = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($readPassword))
$password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File $smtpPasswordFile
$password = $null
write-host "*** Ready."
if ($install) {
#--- Note: writing in "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" requires Administrative privileges...
#--- Some Powershell Registry black magic, setting Windows Explorer context menu...
write-host "*** Setting Explorer context menu settings..."
new-item -Path Registry::"HKCR\``*\Shell" -Name "Email to $To" -force | out-null
set-ItemProperty -Path Registry::"HKCR\``*\Shell\Email to $To" -Name "Icon" -Value "%systemroot%\system32\dsuiext.dll,16" -force | out-null
new-item -Path Registry::"HKCR\``*\Shell\Email to $To" -Name "command" -Value "powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -noprofile -file ""$scriptPath"" ""%1"" " -force | out-null
write-host "*** Right-click a filename in Windows Explorer and select: 'Email to $To'"
write-host "*** Ready."
if ($args.count -EQ 0) {
write-host "*** No attachment data provided."
#--- From...
$From = [MimeKit.MailboxAddress]$emailSenderAccount
$Credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $emailSenderAccount, (Get-Content $smtpPasswordFile | ConvertTo-SecureString)
#--- To...
$RecipientList = [MimeKit.InternetAddressList]::new()
#--- Attachment...
$Attachment = $args[0]
$AttachmentList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
$Subject = "Attachment: $Attachment"
#--- Send email...
write-host "*** Emailing attchment '$Attachment' to $To..."
$UseSecureConnectionIfAvailable = $true
Send-MailKitMessage -SMTPserver $SMTPServer -Credential $Credential -Port $Port -From $From -RecipientList $RecipientList -Subject $Subject -textBody $TextBody -AttachmentList $AttachmentList
write-host "*** Ready."
start-sleep 2