

Select file and email to yourself with one click

My current attachment emailscript uses the MailMessage method, but this method is obsolete (see: So I followed the recommendation, and used the MailKit Powershell Module to send emails.


  1. Use of MailKit to send emails (requires installation of the MailKit Powershell Module).
  2. Added an "Install" procedure. Automate user settings.
  3. Added a "setPassword" procedure. Secure password entry and password storage in USERPROFILE (no plain text password anywhere).

Works with:

  • Windows Explorer Context menu (right click file and send email)
  • Command line (file parameter must have absolute/complete file path)
  • Drag and drop (create a Deaktop shortcut to the psEmailAttachment.ps1 script and drag a file to the shortcut be emailed)

 Installation procedure:

  1. Install the MailKit Module (e.g.: PS C:\> Install-Module -force -Name "Send-MailKitMessage" -Scope CurrentUser)
  2. Store the psEmailAttachment.ps1 script in some folder
  3. Update the email server properties and your email address in the psEmailAttachment.ps1 script
  4. Run:
    • Powershell -file psEmailAttachment.ps1 -install     #--- Create the Explorer context menu entry
    • Powershell -file psEmailAttachment.ps1 -setPassword #--- Setting the password of the email sender account.

Sending an email from Windows Explorer-> Right click filename:


using module Send-MailKitMessage

    To install the MailKit:
    PS C:\> Install-Module -force -Name "Send-MailKitMessage" -Scope CurrentUser #--- Install Module only for this user. User privileges only.
    PS C:\> Install-Module -force -Name "Send-MailKitMessage" -Scope AllUsers           #--- Install Module for all users. Administrative privileges needed.
    Emailing examples shamelessly stolen from:


#--- User variables...
$SMTPServer         = "{FQDN or IP address from email server}"
$Port               = 587 #---> STARTTLS or 465 SSL/TLS...
$emailSenderAccount = "emailAttachment@ddress.ext"
$To                 = "yourEmail@ddress.ext"

#=== MAIN =====================================================================================================
#--- Static variables...
$TextBody           = "Attachment sent with $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) script."
$scriptPath         = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path

#--- Create password filename in AppData...
$scriptName         = (Get-Item $scriptPath).Basename
$appDataFolder      = "$ENV:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\$scriptName"
new-item -type directory -path $appDataFolder -force | out-null
$smtpPasswordFile   = "$appDataFolder\$emailSenderAccount-password.dat"

if ($setPassword) {

    write-host "*** Setting encrypted password..."
    #--- Read and store encrypted password in $smtpPasswordFile...
    $readPassword     = Read-Host -assecurestring "Enter sender email account's ($($emailSenderAccount)) password now"
    $password         = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($readPassword))
    $password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File $smtpPasswordFile
    $password         = $null
    write-host "*** Ready."

if ($install) {
    #--- Note: writing in "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" requires Administrative privileges...
    #--- Some Powershell Registry black magic, setting Windows Explorer context menu...
    write-host "*** Setting Explorer context menu settings..."
    new-item         -Path Registry::"HKCR\``*\Shell"              -Name "Email to $To" -force | out-null
    set-ItemProperty -Path Registry::"HKCR\``*\Shell\Email to $To" -Name "Icon"    -Value "%systemroot%\system32\dsuiext.dll,16" -force | out-null
    new-item         -Path Registry::"HKCR\``*\Shell\Email to $To" -Name "command" -Value "powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -noprofile -file ""$scriptPath"" ""%1"" " -force | out-null
    write-host "*** Right-click a filename in Windows Explorer and select: 'Email to $To'"
    write-host "*** Ready."

if ($args.count -EQ 0) {
    write-host "*** No attachment data provided."

#--- From...
$From = [MimeKit.MailboxAddress]$emailSenderAccount
$Credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $emailSenderAccount, (Get-Content $smtpPasswordFile | ConvertTo-SecureString)

#--- To...
$RecipientList = [MimeKit.InternetAddressList]::new()

#--- Attachment...
$Attachment = $args[0]
$AttachmentList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
$Subject = "Attachment: $Attachment"

#--- Send email...
write-host "*** Emailing attchment '$Attachment' to $To..."
$UseSecureConnectionIfAvailable = $true
Send-MailKitMessage -SMTPserver $SMTPServer -Credential $Credential -Port $Port -From $From -RecipientList $RecipientList -Subject $Subject -textBody $TextBody -AttachmentList $AttachmentList
write-host "*** Ready."

start-sleep 2


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