


Month calendar with vertical outlined weeks

VBscript is still boo, boo but some things are really simple to build in VBscript. Here is a calendar program with vertical outlined weeks, week numbers and even consideration for leap years (until the year 2100).


 C:\Scripts\> cscript //nologo calendar.vbs MM-YYYY

--- 8< ---------------------------------------------

Function Print(s)
    if len(s)=1 then wscript.stdout.write " "
    wscript.stdout.write s & "  "
end Function

Datum        = wscript.arguments(0)
dayOfTheWeek = DatePart("w",datum)
weekNumber   = DatePart("ww",datum, vbSunday ,vbFirstFourDays)
ArrayStart   = dayOfTheWeek - ((dayOfTheWeek -1) * 2)
monthNumber  = Month(Datum)
WeekDays     = Array("Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa")
DaysInMonth  = Array(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)
monthNames   = Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")

'--- Adjust values...
if DaysInMonth(monthNumber-1) + (dayOfTheWeek-1) > 35 then NuOfWeeks = 6 else NuOfWeeks = 5
if Year(Datum) mod 4=0 then DaysInMonth(1)=29

wscript.echo vbCrLf & "Calendar of: " & monthNames(monthNumber-1) & "-" & year(Datum) & vbCrLf
'--- Print weeknumbers
Print " "
for w = 0 to (NuOfWeeks-1) : Print (weekNumber + w) : next
wscript.echo ""
for w = 0 to (NuOfWeeks) : Print "--" : next
wscript.echo ""

'--- Print calendar...
Column = 0
for i = ArrayStart to ArrayStart + 6
    Print Weekdays(Column)
    Column = Column + 1
    for j = 0 to 5
        dayNumber = i + (j * 7)
        if (dayNumber >= 1) and (dayNumber <= DaysInMonth(monthNumber-1)) then Print DayNumber else Print " "
    wscript.echo ""


Automatic emailing of your scanned documents

Some document scanners have the capability to send an email with the scanned document attached. Maybe your scanner can only store scanned files on a NAS, network share or in a folder on your computer. In that case, the next script will detect new scans and email them to you.

Yes, it is VBscript and that is boo, boo, as I mentioned before. However, the email method here, although deprecated, is also used by PowerShell users since it can deal with implicit SSL.

This post consists of two parts:
1. The script
2. A method to start the script automatically if the user is not logged on

The script

Copy & paste all the lines between the markers to Notepad or so and save the script as "MailScan.vbs". Then modify the Recipient with your email address. Modify the SMTP parameters. You might want to create a Gmail address specifically for sending scans. Finally, configure the folder where your scanner stores the scans.

--- 8< -------------------------------------
on error resume next

sub SendMail(Recipient, PDFfile)
    Dim objEmail
    Set objEmail        = CreateObject("CDO.Message")

    objEmail.From         = ""
    objEmail.To         = Recipient
    objEmail.Subject     = "Scanned document from scanner {scannername/location}"
    objEmail.Textbody     = now() & ", this email contains a scanned document from scanner {scannername/location}: " & PDFfile

'--- When you host your own mailserver, use this:   
    objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("")             = 2
    objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("")         = "" ' IP address of your emailserver
    objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("")         = 0
    objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("")     = 1
    objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("")        =""
    objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("")        ="{Password}"
    objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("")     = 25
'--- Or you can use Google's SMTP service:   
    REM objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("")        = aGoogleAccount
    REM objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("")        = theGooglePassword
    REM objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("")         = ""
    REM objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("")         = 1
    REM objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("")     = 1
    REM objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("")             = 2
    REM objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("")     = 465

    objEmail.AddAttachment PDFfile

    SendMail = Err
end sub

'--- Main ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

const emailReceipient = ""
const intInterval = "5" 'check every 'intInterval' seconds for new file(s)...

dim fso
set fso=CreateObject("scripting.FileSystemObject")

'--- Split up the drive and the scan folder. Needed for WMI...
strDrive     = "M:"
strFolder    = "\\ProgramData\\MailScan\\"

wscript.echo "Scanning folder for files to arrive: " & replace(strDrive,"\\","\") & replace(strFolder,"\\","\")

'--- Set up event WMI handler...
Set objWMIService = GetObject( "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2" )
strQuery =  _
    "Select * From __InstanceOperationEvent"                             _
    & " Within "                                     & intInterval         _
    & " Where Targetinstance Isa 'CIM_DataFile'"                         _
    & " And TargetInstance.Drive='"                 & strDrive &  "'"    _
    & " And TargetInstance.Path='"                     & strFolder & "'"
Set colEvents = objWMIService. ExecNotificationQuery (strQuery)

'--- Loop endless with an interval of 'intInterval'...
    Set objEvent = colEvents.NextEvent()
    Set objTargetInst = objEvent.TargetInstance

    Select Case objEvent.Path_.Class
        Case "__InstanceCreationEvent"
            WScript.Echo "*** New file received: " & f
            wscript.echo "*** emailReceipient : " & emailReceipient
            wscript.echo "*** Filename: " & f
            '--- Check for PDF file and email that...
            if Instr(lcase(f),".pdf") > 0 then
                call SendMail(emailReceipient,f)
                wscript.echo "*** Emailing of PDF file done"
                if Err <> 0 then wscript.echo "*** Error sending mail. Errormessage: 0x" & hex(Err) & " - " & Err.Description
            end if   
            '--- You can delete the PDF file after emailing. Uncomment the next lines...
            'fso.DeleteFile f,true
            'wscript.echo "File deleted: " & f
    End Select

--- 8< -------------------------------------

Testing the script

To test if everything works fine we manually start the script:

  c:\Scripts> cscript //nologo MailScan.vbs

Make a scan, or just copy a PDF file in the scanfolder, and check the output on the screen. If all goes well you see:

Scanning folder for files to arrive: M:\ProgramData\MailScan\
*** New file received: m:\programdata\mailscan\manual_en - copy (2) - copy - copy - copy.pdf
*** emailTo :
*** Filename: m:\programdata\mailscan\manual_en - copy (2) - copy - copy - copy.pdf
*** Emailing of PDF file ready

If there is an error sending the PDF you will see:

Scanning folder for files to arrive: M:\ProgramData\MailScan\
*** New file received: m:\programdata\mailscan\manual_en - copy (5).pdf
*** emailTo :
*** Filename: m:\programdata\mailscan\manual_en - copy (5).pdf
*** Emailing of PDF file done
*** Error sending mail. Errormessage: 80040211 - The message could not be sent to the SMTP server. The transport error code was 0x80040217. The server response
was not available

The Windows Service


You want to have this service 24x7 available, even when you are not logged on to your computer. When we use script in a Windows Service we can run the script automatically in the background. We need a utility to configure this for you: the Non-Sucking Service Manager. Download NSSM here.

Start NSSM and configure the scan service:

  C:\Scripts> nssm install MailScan

Configure the next two tabs. Configure in "Arguments" the folder where the script is stored.

When all is entered correctly press the "Install Service" button. We can start the service:

  C:\Scripts> net start MailScan

Now make a scan and check your mailbox!


Powershell ROCA test

This Powershell script tests a TPM based Public Key for the ROCA vulenerability (CVE-2017-15361).

Based on:

- Bouncy Castle crypto DLL (
- Windows 8, 8.1 or 10 OS (e.g. a USB stick with Windows to Go)

The comments below explains how to create a TPM based Public Key file.

--- 8< --------------------
    Date:             5-Nov-2017
    Description:     This script tests if a Public Key is vulnerable for ROCA
                    Use a TPM based CSR or CRT, extract the Public Key and test
    Prerequisite:    Bouncy Castle DLL (
>>> Create and extract a Public Key on Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 through a CSR:
(if a PC runs W7 or older or does note even have a hard disk, use Windows-to-Go from USB)

1. Create TPMCSR.inf
    --- 8< -----------------------
    Subject = "E=IFXTPMVSC"
    KeyLength = 2048
    Exportable = FALSE
    UserProtected = FALSE
    MachineKeySet = FALSE
    Providername = "Microsoft Platform Crypto Provider"
    ProviderType = 1
    RequestType = PKCS10
    KeyUsage = 0x80
    --- 8< -----------------------
2. Create CSR:
    C:\> certreq -new -f TPMVSC.inf TPMCSR.csr >nul

3. Extract Public Key with OpenSSL:
    openssl.exe req -in TPMCSR.csr -noout -pubkey -out TPMCSR.csr-pubk.pem   
4. Configure the filename in this script and run the script
    c:\scripts> powershell -file testROCA.ps1 TPMCSR.csr-pubk.pem   
    Vulnerable: True
>>> Using a TPM based certificate:
1. Extract the Public Key with OpenSSL:
    openssl.exe x509 -in TPMCSR.crt -noout -pubkey -out TPMCSR-pubk.pem   
2. Configure the filename in this script and run the script
    c:\scripts>powershell -file testROCA.ps1
    Vulnerable: True
>>> Example Public Keys:
Vulnerable Pubk:
    -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
    -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

NOT vulnerable Pubk:
    -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
    -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

if ($args.count -ne 1) {
    write-host "*** Usage: powershell -file testROCA.ps1 {public key file}"
$pubKfile = $args[0]
if (-not (Test-Path $pubKfile)) {
    write-host "*** File not found."
add-type -path ".\BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll"

[Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger[]] $markers = @(

[Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger[]] $primes = @( 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167 )

[System.IO.TextReader] $reader = [System.IO.File]::OpenText($pubKfile)

[Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Parameters.RsaKeyParameters] $rsaKeyParameters = [Org.BouncyCastle.OpenSsl.PemReader]::new($reader).ReadObject()

$isVulnerable = $true
for ($i=0; $i -lt $primes.length;$i++)
    if ([Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger]::One.ShiftLeft($rsaKeyParameters.Modulus.Remainder($primes[$i]).IntValue).And($markers[$i]).Equals([Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger]::Zero))

write-host "Vulnerable (
$pubKfile):" $isVulnerable